soap fragrance oils
Recognizing the exceptional power of scent, we offer a premium selection of time-tested fragrance oils ideally suited for bath and body products.

What makes these fragrances so special for soap?
A decade of developing fragrances to work in soy wax has resulted in a line of scents that perform extremely well in soap, lotion, and other personal care bases.
Quality is always a top priority, so our fragrance oils adhere to RIFM and IFRA standards for safety and purity.
Fragrance Oil Details Are Now Soaper Friendly!
The “properties” section on each fragrance product page now contains essential soap-making information, including usage recommendation levels and vanillin content.

Introducing CandleScience Clean Scents™
Hello to clear safety standards backed by science. Hello to changing the fragrance industry as we know it.
cold process fragrance tests

See our process for testing fragrances as a baseline for your own testing. .
how to use IFRA certificates

Learn how to use the IFRA certificate like a pro.
MAKE IT: Soap scrub bars

Moisturizing shea butter soap base with activated charcoal and coffee grounds.